Ryan Harlow - Web Developer

Hi, i am a passionate full stack developer with experience in Shopify, Node.js, React.js, and Postgresql


Comida en La Calle

React JS | Express | Node JS | Postgresql | Mapbox api

Single page web application to provide a place to index, rate, and explore street food locations in Mexico City. App allows user to map, add, and rate locations.

Mexico Covid Tracker and API

React JS | Express | Node JS | Mapbox api

App provides a visualization of cases and deaths due to COVID-19 in the Mexican states using data provided by the Government. The backend API allows other developers to create applications based on the data.

Orogold Landing Page

HTML | CSS | Javascript

Landing page for a cosmetics company featuring a contact form and an image carousel.

Covid API (open source)

Express | Node JS

Contributed bug fixes to open source COVID-19 case API